Next Gen Social Media

Social media not just lets users create bonds with other people from all over the world; it also helps businesses promote their services and products.

Not long ago, social media comprised of mainly text and images. Users uploaded funny or emotional updates or tweeted out brief 140-character messages on Twitter. These two mediums soon became digital diaries or journals to record feelings and emotions. Users also marked places or destinations to let their friends and family know about their recent excursions.

However, it didn’t take long for all that to change. The growing ubiquity of smartphones featuring smart features and hi-tech cameras soon empowered the conventional laptop and desktop user. Thanks to impressive network speeds, social media now serves as a digital medium to show real-time videos, images and memes.

Building stronger ties with consumers is crucial for any company’s success. Unluckily, brands rely on third-party channels such as the social media giant Facebook to foster these relationships. This also implies that descriptions, statuses and messages are now replaced with visuals, in the next gen social media. Users are apt to stream live videos rather than uploading statuses and tweets. Other users, too, like to watch what’s happening instead of reading or skimming through a long description.

Science tells us that it only takes 13 milliseconds for the brain to process a picture. Thus, images are powerful ways to get your message across.

Brands and users have discovered that audiences respond more quickly to richer experiences on social media. Kissmetrics reveal that, posts with photos generated 84% more link clicks, 53% more likes and 104% more comments than updates that only featured text, on Facebook.

How Facebook and Twitter coping up?

Facebook has not just ventured into live video streaming; the company is always working on a project called Spaces which is programmed to enable friends to connect in virtual reality. Provided that Facebook owns Oculus, which is a virtual reality software and hardware company, we are likely to get something unique out of this collaboration.

Spaces is going to be the first successful VR social media product at scale.

Reflecting on the criticism that Twitter received last year, users are expecting that the network will embrace the governance policies and codes of conduct that safeguards the company from future criticism.

Twitter has failed to grow and has also lost access to streaming NFL games to Amazon. This year calls for a complete transformation to rethink how the network should operate.

Twitter is likely to change by including some subscription element and updating Twitter advertising options.

The Popularity of New Networks

With constantly evolving algorithms and privacy concerns, companies can no longer afford to hand over complete control of precious client relationships.

The popular social network UHIVE is the first social network developed to be mobile-based. Not only does it support virtual reality, UHIVE is also controlled by advanced A.I. technology. The community members can explore communities based on their interests. Its smart A.I. algorithm evaluates spaces based on audience engagement and traffic.

Looking at the popularity of innovative social media networks, we are sure to witness plenty of technological advancements go mainstream. Some of the new trends that are going to impact brands and users alike are accelerating and strengthening. Virtual reality and video streaming are sure to revolutionize how we use social media.

With the launch of the new iPhones, augmented reality will become a crucial part of social media in ways that you could never imagine. 

Bottom Line

Conventional television, radio and newspaper ads are no longer effective for reaching your target audience. Naturally, younger generations turn to the web to collect information about what’s trending in the market. Leading brands, businesses and entrepreneurs will ultimately have to embrace the next gen social medial platforms to bridge this gap for promoting their business and services and capturing more potential customers

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Decentralized Social Network